There are two Holy Grails of modern and contemporary art collecting. The first would be the re-discovery of the Vincent Van Gogh self-portrait, The Artist on the Road to Tarascon (1888), which disappeared from being stored in a salt mine during World War II. The other would be the emergence of a previously unknown Jackson […]
Andy Warhol: Beware of Fake Laser Prints
During 2020, we’ve noticed a new phenomenon; fake Warhol graphics produced by high-quality laser printers. While we’re not sure about the specifics used to create these forgeries, examples from his “Flowers,” “Maos,” “Endangered Species,” and “Myths” portfolios have cropped up — so far. It used to be that a print’s provenance was of little consequence; […]
Bill Traylor: Forgeries on the Rise
Thanks to a record breaking price at auction for a drawing, Outsider artist Bill Traylor forgeries are on the rise .
Andy Warhol and his Imitators
When it comes to Andy Warhol paintings, beware of elaborate provenances.