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Richard Polsky Art Fraud Prevention
15 Via Vitae | Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507 |
Disclaimer Form
Disclaimer: The advice that you receive from Richard Polsky is offered as an informed opinion on the issues presented regarding the work submitted. It cannot be considered a guaranteed result or the only feasible solution; third parties or a court of law might disagree. This is in part because assessing authenticity or preventing potential art fraud can involve various approaches and lead to a range of potential conclusions. For all these reasons, there is no guarantee that the opinion given by Richard Polsky will be accepted by any and every art dealer or court of law. Moreover, this advice is not legal advice, but simply an informed opinion about authenticity based on Richard Polsky’s experience, who is sharing it in case it may assist you in making decisions about the artwork submitted.
By signing this document, you are agreeing not to hold Richard Polsky liable for his opinion, or to sue Richard Polsky for any action you may take based on his opinion concerning the subject artwork. This also holds true for any third party whom you pass this opinion on to, in reference to the specific work(s) of art for which Richard Polsky has offered advice.
Today’s date is January 14, 2025.
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