Value of
Authentication Service

Whether your painting is found to be genuine or not, the detailed report you receive will provide greater insight into what you own. In reference to the possibility of selling your work, the major auction houses, in general, will only accept a painting approved by an estate’s authentication board. However, in some instances, they will consider a painting which was not authenticated by the committee, but is well-documented (appears in an exhibition catalog, has an impeccable provenance, etc.). Based on these factors, the Jean-Michel Basquiat drawing “Geese,” which we authenticated, was sold at Phillips’s Day Sale (Dec. 8, 2020, Lot #165).
It is our belief, that as our reputation grows, our letter of authenticity will eventually be honored by all of the auction houses. If you check our credentials and the press we’ve received, you will see it is moving in that direction.
Our letter of authenticity has helped collectors in major private transactions. We can verify that an Andy Warhol Brando (Marlon Brando) we authenticated was sold for a seven-figure price. Another opportunity that we helped to create was after authenticating Alice Cooper’s Andy Warhol red Little Electric Chair, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland requested it for a long-term loan.